February 24, 2022
9:00am - 4:00pm
Members: $50.00 / Non-members: $75.00
Meet Your New Best Friends: The Competency Framework and Code of Ethics for Career Development Professionals
After three years of intense consultation, development, and refinement, we now have the most rigorous and robust Competency Framework and Code of Ethics for Career Development Professionals (CDPs) in the world. But all the power of these documents to support quality and growth in our field lies in their active usage. This session will give you your own guided tour through the new framework and code, and an opportunity to dig into the Code of Ethics to explore how it can be used to support and enrich your practice. This session will be highly interactive, focused on real case scenarios, and concrete application.
Sareena Hopkins
As Executive Director of the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF), Sareena works in Canada and internationally to strengthen the reach and impact of the career development sector by moving from ideas to action in areas of public policy, research and development, capacity building, and advocacy. Sareena is on the Board of the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy and, in 2014, was awarded the International Gold Medal for Leadership in Career Development.

Gillian Johnston, CCDP
Gillian has worked in Career Development 40+ years. Currently she is a member of the National Certification Steering Committee for Career Development and National Stakeholder Group as well as the CCDF Code of Ethics committee. She was on the original Steering Committee for the Standards & Guidelines and Code of Ethics committee. Gillian is Co-Director of the Career Development Practitioners Certification Board of Ontario (CDPCBO) as well as a professor in the Career Development Practitioner graduate certificate program at George Brown College.

Kathy Offet-Gartner
Kathy is a Counselling Psychologist, Career Practitioner, Instructor, Supervisor, and the current President of CCPA. Kathy was part of the working groups for the updated Code of Ethics for both CCPA and the new CDP Competency Framework.

Morning Session
Welcome / Housekeeping - 9:00 (Paula Wischoff Yerama)
Land Acknowledgment
Agenda for the Day
Overview of National Initiative - 9:15 – 10:00 (Sareena Hopkins)
- Competency Framework - structure, categories, how it can be used, connection to Code of Ethics
Large Group - 10:15 – 10:30 (Gillian Johnston and Kathy Offet-Gartner)
Breakout Rooms - 10:30 – 11:00
- Review, discuss, distill key points/takeaways
Large Group Debrief - 11:00 – 12:00
- Present key points
- Give suggestions for how it can be used
Afternoon Session
Large Group - 1:00 – 1:40 (Gillian Johnston and Kathy Offet-Gartner)
- Overview of Decision-Making Model
- Review key concepts of Principles, Values and Virtues
- Go over steps to consider starting with first awareness of issue through to learning from implementation of decision
Breakout rooms - 2:00 – 2:40
- Review the scenario and then walk through the process
Large Group Debrief - 3:00 – 3:45
Large Group Discussion - 3:45 – 4:00
- Next steps in using the Code of Ethics
Registration will be open from February 7 - 22, 2022
Zoom log in details will be sent to registrants in advance of the session
Event is limited to 50 participants - if there is sufficient interest an additional session will be scheduled
Members MUST log in to their member profile prior to registering in order to receive member pricing ($50.00)
Please email Paula Wischoff Yerama at ed@careerdevelopment.ab.ca with any questions
Looking forward to seeing you!